
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Planning and visualize an RTW Trip

As surely many others, I have previously have planned my trips with Google Maps, which can be a bit notchy, specially if you plan longer trips. Also, it is not possible to share the route comfortable or to discuss individual points of your trip.

Some days ago I read a blog where the travellers had used tripline to visualize their trip through China - and I start to love this project! It is definitively a big time safer, to everyone who plan a big or also shorter trip.

You can not only plan your trip, setting your trip to private or public - you can also add public and private notices to each waypoint, you can discuss your route zu the public or also just friends.

Here is a short summary about the advantages and unique features of this tool, togehter with also a sample route.

The Webinterface is quite clean and allows to work pretty quick. At first you have to create an account, or to signin with your facebook account. After that you can start your new map:

world trip planning and visualize your rtw trip

Easily you can add waypoints, can add public or private notes. If you set your Map to public, everyone can see your Map and can comment waypoints and so on. If you set it to "friends" you can sent a link to your friends, this way they can see it and can too discuss about your route.

The Tripline workflow for adding waypoints to your rtw trip

Here is a sample route, an small roundtrip around las vegas:

As you can view, you now can plan your route and all the places your want to see, any Links and informations in one place. This can safe you hours of working in Excel or Word while you try to write down all things.

Also the option to add private notes is great, because you can write down stuff who isnt for friends and readers. With the available iOS App you can take your Route/Comments with you also while you are offline. For Android and Windows you can use the work-arround to safe the Website to a file for offline use - with other available apps.

With you also can visualize your trips and travels in a nice style.

Our transafrica planned and visualize with tripline
trans-africa trip I did at 2012/13

With that tool I would have safed a lot of time for that transafrica, for planning the route and stuff to visit. Give it  a try. And leave an comment if you know other tools who can safe our time!

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